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Learning to Read Starts Early!

Learning to Read Starts Early!

Reading to your child is a great way to give your child a good foundation for learning. It will help your, child develop school-readiness skills, build vocabulary and provide a wonderful way to bond with your child and instill a love of reading and learning that will serve help well throughout his lifetime.

1. Reading to your child is a stepping-stone for future learning. It gets your child get ready for school by honing skills he'll need when he starts preschool. Your baby will develop listening skills, attention span, and memory as you read.

2. As your baby hears sounds of words and his language skills and vocabulary will increase dramatically. Speech will develop more quickly because reading will increase the number of words your baby hears. The more your child is exposed to new sounds and words, the more quickly he'll learn their meaning.

3. Reading to your child before bedtime makes a special bonding time for you and your child. Your baby will calm at the sound of your voice, and feel safe and secure while you read. This makes for a great environment for learning and reading will become a favorite activity.

4. This time together makes reading fun and instills a love of books and learning. You don't have to read every word or start at the beginning. Your baby will look forward to these precious moments before falling asleep and will soon be asking for books of their own to read themselves!

We think reading to babies is important, so we incorporate reading into the daily activity in our infant room. This gets them ready for circle time in our preschool classes and ready for the world of reading!
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